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Discovery of patterns in software metrics using clustering techniques
(2012 XXXVIII Conferencia Latinoamericana En Informatica (CLEI), 2012-10-01)One mechanism for estimating software quality is through the use of metrics, which are functions that evaluates certain characteristics of the product quality development. A software product can be evaluated from different ... -
Protección Jurídica de las Páginas Web a través de los Derechos de Autor
(Federación Iberoamericana de Asociaciones de Derecho e Informatica, 2013)El presente artículo aborda la problemática jurídica que se genera en torno a la protección de las páginas web debido a que habitualmente la atención legal se centra más en los contenidos mostrados en la página como pudieran ... -
M-CBIR: A Medical Content-Based Image Retrieval System Using Metric Data-Structures
(2011 30th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, 2013-01-24)This work is focused on the modeling and development of a CBIR (Content-based image retrieval) system applied to the recovery of digital medical images of a human body, denominated M-CBIR. This model is composed on two ... -
A Process Reference Model for Managing Living Labs for ICT Innovation: A proposal based on ISO/IEC 15504
(Elsevier BV, 2013-07-16)Living Labs are innovation infrastructures where software companies and research organizations collaborate with lead users to design and develop new products and services. There is not any reference model related to the ... -
Agrupamiento por similitud de imagenes mediante Árbol de Expación Mínimo y Soft Heap
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2013-11-11)En la presente investigación se propone un enfoque novedoso para extraer características distintivas de imagenes basado en el modelo de color HSV y filtros wavelets, con la finalidad de hacer un agrupamiento de imágenes ... -
A novel approach for image feature extraction using HSV model color and niters wavelets
(2013 XXXIX Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 2013-11-21)Due to the advancement of computing and the power of the new hardware, more economical, it is now feasible to have thousands of images which can be analyzed to allow classification for its shape and/or color. Furthermore, ... -
Parallelization of the Algorithm K-means Applied in Image Segmentation
(International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014-01-01)Algorithm k-means is useful for grouping operations; however, when is applied to large amounts of data, its computational cost is high. This research propose an optimization of k-means algorithm by using parallelization ... -
Identidad Virtual Implicancias en el Derecho a la Intimidad
(Federación Iberoamericana de Asociaciones de Derecho e Informática, 2014-10)Tal vez la intimidad puede precisarse más que como un derecho como una libertad proyectada en la facultad de una persona para disponer de un ámbito de inmunidad para sus acciones privadas que permita sustraerlas de la ... -
Las Patentes sobre los Métodos Comerciales en Internet: Implicancias en la propiedad industrial
(Federación Iberoamericana de Asociaciones de Derecho e Informática, 2015)Las patentes son una de las formas más antiguas de protección de la propiedad industrial. Según acuerdos internacionales las patentes se destinan a cualquier invención sea de proceso o producto en todos los ámbitos de la ... -
Developing innovative ideas from citizens: A transactive memory perspective
(eChallenges e-2014 Conference Proceedings, 2015-03)Citizens can be considered as an important source of knowledge for innovating in open contexts, collaborating with initiatives for developing solutions to urban issues, in order to get improvements addressed to a collective ... -
Inclusión digital y desarrollo. críticas a las clásicas definiciones
(Derecho y cambio social, 2015-04-01)La globalización abre innumerables puertas para utilizar las Nuevas Tecnologías. En la actualidad actividades económicas, sociales, culturales y políticas se diseminan y realizan con mayor rapidez. Sin embargo, para ... -
Towards the Development of a Framework for Encouraging the Learning of SPICE Model by Using Knowledge Graphs
(SPICE 2015. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2015-06-15)Software process learning is a relevant aspect on software process improvement. In this paper, we present a framework based on knowledge graphs, in order to evaluate the expertise on ISO 15504 software model (SPICE). Having ... -
New technique for the implementation of nonlinear models for microwave transistors for broadband data communication
(Universidad La Salle, 2015-07-27)A new way to implement nonlinear models for microwave transistors is shown. It allows conventional drain current functions and conventional equivalent circuits to enhance their capabilities in order to predict the frequency ... -
Hacia el Análisis de Conformidad Arquitectónica Continuo: Un Framework Generador de Grafos para Aplicaciones con Codificación Arquitectónicamente Evidente
(Conference: 5° Congreso Internacional de computación México - Colombia, At Colombia, 2015-09)Durante el desarrollo de sistemas de software, frecuentemente se encuentran inconsistencias entre la arquitectura pretendida y la arquitectura presente en la implementación. Tal repercusión es denominada ... -
3D mesh interest point detection using GISIFs and heat diffusion
(Computing Conference (CLEI), 2015 Latin American, 2015-10-19)To facilitate processing of 3D objects is common to use high-level representations. The interest points are one of them. An interest point should possess a distinctive feature regarding its locality and should be stable ... -
Framework Basado en Streams y Grafos para la Extracción de Modelos desde Código Fuente
(Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, 2015-11)Software visualization is an important issue in the domains of software maintenance, reconstruction of software architectures, and reverse engineering. In this context, the use of some supporting tools is relevant for ... -
An approach to a graph-based model for encouraging transfer of knowledge in learning activities
(eChallenges e-2015 Conference, Vilnius, 2015, 2015-11-25)Knowledge transfer is a key aspect of securing the continuous improvement of learning, being the reuse and recombination of knowledge a difficult task. Hence, this process can be enriched by approaches such as graph theory, ... -
Efficient approach for interest points detection in non-rigid shapes
(Computing Conference (CLEI), 2015 Latin American, 2015-12-17)Due to the increasing amount of data and the reduction of costs in 3D data acquisition devices, there has been a growing interest, in developing efficient and robust feature extraction algorithms for 3D shapes, invariants ... -
El Irisiden: más allá de los límites razonables de la seguridad
(Universidad Nacional del Litoral y Red CIIDDI, 2016)La duda sobre si nos estamos acercando cada vez más al universo de Minority Report; un entorno dominado por los avances tecnológicos en el cual, la búsqueda de la seguridad más absoluta ha sacrificado algunos de nuestros ... -
Identification of architectural technical debt: An analysis based on naming patterns
(2016 8th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems (EATIS), 2016-04-28)Hasty software development can produce immediate implementations with source code unnecessarily complex and hardly readable. These small kinds of software decay generate a technical debt that could be big enough to seriously ...